Health complex promotions

Дорогие гости! Приглашаем Вас в оздоровительный комплекс «Эдем». К вашим услугам финская сауна, небольшой бассейн, «ледяной душ», уютная комната отдыха с необходимой мебелью. Зал с американским бильярдом, а также отдельная комната с джакузи.


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Birthday party in the sauna
We give you a 20% discount
We provide a discount on visiting our wellness complex for the birthday person 3 days before and after the Birthday.

To book

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Happy Hours
We give you a 25% discount
We offer a discount on visiting our wellness complex when booking from 06:00 to 13:00

To book

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We give you the fourth hour
When booking a wellness complex for three hours, the fourth hour is a gift, provided that the post is reposted on Vkontakte

To book

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Live and relax
We give you a 15% discount
When booking a wellness complex, we provide a discount to guests staying in our hotel

To book

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